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accidentally stumbled upon this game... i did NOT think that i would like this so much... the plot twist for momotarou.. damn. amazing game and the voice actors were amazing too. I loved it so so much. i wish there was more of a proper happy ending for all of them, time to play the other game of the series now!! thank you for the game <3


aww~ thanks so much for playing! im happy you enjoyed it! im working on the third game in the trilogy and hoping i can give them all happier endings!

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I didn't really understand momotarou's "happy ending" HAHAHA, why does he say Satoru's name at the end?

He made me understand that Momotaru is in love with him or something like that. I mention that English is not my native language, so it is a challenge to understand.


Are all Love interest male?


I mean, if you don't mind mild spoilers...














6 males, 1 female. Of the 7 total, 2 are "secret" routes. There's a walkthrough linked on this page if you need it.


Beau did not not look like I expected but he was adorable.


awww thank you! i imagined a bunch of bananas on his head and that is how his hair style came to be lol


That is so cute!


I just played all endings and it took 3 hours but It was worth it I really like Momotarou and the way he act  (I guess I like weird cute guys😂) I hope he gets his "I like you back" someday :) 


Shame it's so short :c I wish I could say that I like him back to Momotarou. But everything else is amazing~ I'm in love 


thanks so much! im still working on the sequel, so maybe you'll sitll have a chance to tell momo u like him back! c:


OMGGGHJS Please! I would love to play Sequel and confess to him <3 good luck with the game 


Hello! I need some help. I've done all the endings on everyone, but Momotarou is still locked. Any ideas?


Hello! Thank you for playing! Have all the good and bad endings been unlocked? Also, here's the walkthrough if you haven't used it yet. Let me know if you still have trouble unlocking Momo. It might be a bug I need to address.


Ohoh I found out what I did wrong lol. Ty!


i really liked this game but uh....

how old is everyone?

im really worried about the implications of apollos happy end and his and spines made me pretty uncomfortable...

i know even if spine was a held back adult or something that the power dynamic of teacher and student is still there but...either way i just 😣 generally was worried about that kind of thing in this game...

i really like the game....just....that relationship....made me really hesitant to play the prequel


Thank you for your question and your concern. "Teacher x Student Romance" is listed under the Content Warnings in the description on the game's main page because that content can make people uncomfortable. In a future update, I'll be sure to add the content warnings in the game itself as well.

The answer to your question may make you no less uncomfortable, and I don't think having that information will put your mind at ease because the Teacher-Student relationship between Spine and Apollo is still implied and present in the prequel.

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This looks like quite an interesting game and I really want to play it! But I just wanted to know, how do you change your name? It says it features a custom name, but I just can't seem to figure out how.

Sorry, this is probably a stupid question, I'm just sort of lost, lol.

EDIT: Nevermind, figured it out. You just have to backspacce on Jordan and then replace it with whatever name you want. I was just an idiot, lol. Can't wait to play the game though!

No worries! There are no stupid questions. Your feedback helps me know what I can improve on! For example, you're not the only person who's had trouble with the custom name screen. This lets me know that I should add something to prompt the player to customize their name on that screen. Also, I should make the button to move on from that screen more clear as well. So thank you for your question! It's very helpful to me.

I'm glad you were able to figure it out yourself! It is, however, still on me to improve your experience, so I'll probably update the build to address minor flaws later. Thank you again!


Thank you for replying, and so nicely too! I'm glad to have helped! I also played the game and got all endings; I was so excited to carry on after each ending, and I really enjoyed playing the game. I absolutely love each character; their personalities and designs, and really liked the final ending.

This was all so well written as well, you should be so proud of yourself for this! :D

I can't wait to play the prequel too! Definitely going to get onto that as soon as I can. <3

I'm glad to hear you had a fun experience! Thank you again so much for your feedback! I hope you will enjoy the prequel as well.


i literally have no words rn BUT i can say HOLY SHI* THIS GAME WAS SOMETHING! i finished it with the walkthrough guide´s help (every ending everything, i left peach boy for the end) i loved the shoujo vibes with also this ¨something´s wrong¨ vibe and the last playthrough i did KILLED ME. this was so fun and weird 10/10 plz play it yourself! also ty missarichan for ur help! 

Thank you for your comment! I'm glad the walkthrough helped and I'm happy you enjoyed the shoujo vibes along with the off-putting, creepy vibes.

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help is there a endings guide? i am so so so lost :( i keep getting the "bad" endings 


Yup! There's a link to the Walkthrough under the "Translations" section on this page. I'll probably update some time later to add a downloadable PDF file of the walkthrough too. Thanks for playing!



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This was a great otome game! the nostalgia of running through every route until relying on a walkthrough because the answers have to be super specific lol. I also love how every route builds the overall picture, and while there are tropes the story doesn't focus on everyone suddenly loving the MC. Momotaru's route scarred the shit out of me, it's kind of sad both his happy and bad ends suck for him, but the concept overall is great and well executed. 


!!! aaaa~ thank u so much for playing and for your comment! i'm so glad you enjoyed the experience!


I'm so excited to playthrough this on my channel and figure out the story!! I love when otome games have an underlying story beneath the romance! Its so funny and these frooty dudes are adorable <33333


!!! aaaa!! thank u so much for playing and sharing! i also love otome games w/ underlying stories! i enjoyed watching your let's play! i hope u will enjoy the rest of this story (and my other puns. i cackled at the "deer god" part)!


I love it its so cute with a twist!!! I'm going to keep following along I cant wait to see more from you <333

awww~ thank you so much! i hope you'll enjoy any other projects i release in the future! cx


at first i thought the game would be short and wholesome. I was wrong and IT IS AMAZING. I LOVE IT


!!! yayy! i'm glad you enjoyed it! thank u so much for playing and for your comment~ cx


honestly wasn't expecting to love this as much as i do (didn't know i would a sucker for fruit heads lol). 

the pacing was amazing with each hints about momo throughout other characters' routes keeping me intrigued. i loved all the characters, their designs, and hilarious ending titles. the subversion of each routes was also a nice touch as it isn't something i see often in otomes. (beau was my favorite)

i just loved this game and will be waiting eagerly for its prequel <3


ohh yayy~ i'm so glad you enjoyed it! thanks so much for playing through! i wanted to try something different, and i'm happy to know it worked out well. (also, beau is truly a treasure xDD)

thank you again!


Short, cute, and sweet! (well, kinda) I love the shoujo-like story, an amnesiac(?) MC tries to find out who is their real Valentine ( ̄▽ ̄) The characters really feel like actual shoujo characters and I really enjoy the ending names (¬‿¬ ) Although I don't understand Momotarou's route, I'm a little intrigued to see more of him ( ´ ω ` )


thanks so much for checking it out! i'm glad u get shoujo vibes from it! that's what i was going for xDD

i'm excited to (eventually) shed more light on momo's character! thank you again for your comment! c:


just finished all the gameplay! im not used to horror in otomes but I loved it! your writing skills are so captivating!! im still sad that my favorite boy Sutoro was one of the only people who you weren't able to romance <3 I hope one day he gets his own little game where its possible!! this was a very enjoyable experience and such a unique idea! I truly loved it :D


!!! ahh~ im glad you loved it! thanks also for thinking my writing was good c: we don't often see horror in otomes, but it's understandable since peeps play otomes for romance and warm, heartfelt vibes. i do like twists tho so i thought i'd experiment a little.

sutoro was the first character i created and wrote for the game! he's my fave too xDD i wanna romance him too LOL. maybe one day...

thanks for leaving a comment and for playing my game! cx


This. Was. A W E S O M E !!!

... When I used the walkthrough XD I'm usually not that bad at picking the right choices for LIs, but this game was just on another level, haha.

Honestly, in love with Paer-sensei, but would also love to get absolutely railed by the psycho, Momotarou. When the main menu- you know- I am delighted to say I started to feel chills. This was brilliant.

THANK YOU~ i had to make a walkthrough because i forgot what all the "correct" answers were HAHA. it was my poor planning and writing orz. ive learned from this project tho! (hopefully)

i'm glad you like paer-sensei! i honestly love these characters and i'd like to revisit them all one day. thank you for your feedback and for playing! cx


No problem! Good luck if you ever revisit them and good luck in your current endeavours!!


Momo is one crazy dude, honestly he's my favorite. His scene almost made me cry :( Nice work overall 2nd fav was the doctor( was my first fav, but its just something about Momo)

he rly is crazy. he's a fun character to write and draw xDD

momo definitely grows on you...

thank you for playing and leaving a comment! c:


at first I got all the bad endings before reading the guide 😂 and I really was so happy when I read it and got to see their faces I was grining like an idiot 😂 anyway I really liked all of them like literally all of them I just wanted it to be longer than that and everyone of them to get their long route it's so good comedy sweet and creepy too and that creepy guy momo something his route was kinda scary but really why games like this can't be a little longer?

i confess that it was my poor planning and writing that made getting good endings difficult xDD even i couldn't get any good endings after not touching the game for a very long time LOL. i'm really glad you enjoyed the game tho! 

i'm not quite satisfied with how i ended the game, so i'm planning to expand upon it. i hope you'll enjoy the prequels/sequels in the future! cx

thank you for playing and for leaving feedback! c:


NICE. Nice nice nice. Sutoro best boy


OH MY GOD. I need more! I love horror and dating sims so this was a real treat, I wish I could forget the whole game and play it again like new. 

Thank you so much for your comment! I'm so glad you enjoyed it~ I'm working on a prequel and sequel, so hopefully they'll give the same vibes as this one. c:


Not gonna lie I kinda want a sequel to this game 


me too... :^)c


This was straight up weird .. but i appreciate it

LMAO i'm glad~ thank u so much for your comment! c:


I came, I saw, I conquered.

So like, i managed to put the story together and everything, but i guess it felt a little open ended? Without getting into spoilers or anything when i found the guy the chocolates were for things seemed to happen suddenly and with an unclear resolution, at least in the good end.

The bad end i have no doubts as to what happened xD

Anyways great game regardless! I guess i'm just wondering if i'm supposed to feel as confused and out of the loop as i wound up feeling?

ahh~ thank u so much for playing! 

i meant for the end to feel open-ended and unresolved! tbh, i'm planning a prequel to this, so please look forward to it sometime in the future! hopefully it'll clear some things up c:

thanks so much for your comment and thank u again for playing~


oh good, just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed something important doing the mystery xD

and i very much will, i need more of my favourite valentine boy in my life!


Okay, this has been a long gap from me gjving rating to writing the comment but oh well revisiting this short twisty adorable otome once in a while is good for my weak heart. Such a good writing for gender neutral protagonist, too! 

I can't choose between Beau, Pierre, or Appolo/Ringo as the favorite. One is my favorite trope of childhood friend, another is the first route I achieved his Happy Ending within a single playthrough and without looking at the guide, but also questioning my taste in teacher-high schooler love story. THEN comes my favorite fruit in the dorky doctor suit completed with the revealation of his glasses while I already warned and chanted in my mind you bet itwill be a sour-sweet romance like his head, brace the sourness and surprise  he already had SO who you also know very well but still helping us and realizing it is the third-person trope that hits too close to home.... so, Appolo wins :'D

My only concern and actually the best part of it is collecting the piece of mystery and the implication of Momotarou's devilish cultist sacrifice obsession towards us through the chocolate. If the protagonist would redeveloping feelings to the other six characters (friendship or romance, up to intepretation and expectation) and finally share the ominous gift, then later stated that eating the chocolate perhaps plus the power of those lovely feelings with the chosen character, lol IS the cure... 

Have we ever eat the chocolate before meeting Momotarou at the stall? We are still in his influence, aren't we??

Thanks so much for your rating and for this comment~ I'm so happy you enjoyed the game enough to play it multiple times and I'm glad you enjoy the characters too! Cx A prequel game is in the works and hopefully some questions will be answered. Please look forward to that one as well~ Thank you again <3 C:


Oh my, there will be a prequel ?!! We truly don't deserve you. 

Take your time tho, I'll stay-tuned ^^

Deleted 5 years ago

ahh~ thank you so much! i'm so happy you had fun with it, and i'm glad you think all the characters are likable. Cx i love beau's energy! he is pretty awesome hahah! thanks for leaving a comment~ i really appreciate it C: 

Deleted post

Yes, of course! Thank you very much for asking! C:  Please let me know if you need anything from me.

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Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you so much for translating! I whipped up this quick doodle to announce the translation. Cx

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Haha~ Of course! I was so excited to hear from you! Thanks again for offering and for translating~ Cx


I'm super late to the party but I still wanted to leave a comment. I went into this game totally blind and nearly choked on my food when I saw the sprites. Then I had a good laugh at the characters' names. This game helped me release some stress and gave me a much needed laugh, so thanks for making this!

Despite the awesome comedy, the happy endings for each character were really heartfelt and even bittersweet at times. I especially liked the friendship between Spine and the MC. It was so wholesome and made me like her even more. 

I gotta ask though, in Momotarou's CGs, are they laying on the bathroom floor? That's all I could think about during those scenes and I need to know the truth.

Also, love the Hatoful Boyfriend vibes in this game! :D

Thanks for making Froot Basket Valentine, I had a lot of fun with it!

Oh! No worries! You're not late to anything hahaha! I appreciate your comment~! 

I'm glad it gave you a laugh Cx It was supposed to be a gag game at first, but I really wanted to try something different. I'm also happy you liked the endings! 

I had a lot of fun writing Spine. I think deep down she's a lot like me in a way (hence the pineapple, bahaha). And yes! They are on the bathroom floor in those CGs, ehehe... Not very appealing or romantic to know that... ahaha so gross... ^_^;

Thank you very much for playing my game! Cx


I spent so much time playing this game, so I just wanted to say this is truly amazing! also I really loved all the endings! especially pink haired boy's, which was an awesome surprise for me!  keep up the amazing work! 

Ahh~ thank you so much for playing the game and for leaving a comment! I'm so happy you liked it C: 


omg, it's so so good, i downloaded it and played for almost two hours straight. congratulations, i hope your game gets a lot of attention


it has a lot of surprises and a captivating theme at its core, also the drawing style is so cute. really, i play so many otome games and yours is the best one i played in some time now

:'D thank you so much! im so happy to hear that! hopefully i'll be able to make more games like this in the future~ Cx


I just started playing it today and I really liked it. It's a nice change of page. Fruit boys? Who would've thought xD. Great job with the game. I love the CGs with their real face. The boys were so cute they caught me off guard. I also did a let's play of the game^^ 

If you wanna check it out here it is:

LOL I loved your let's play! Thanks so much! Hahaha, I think people need a little more fruits in their lives xDD.

Thank you for loving my let's play! Never enough fruits ahaha.


Loved it! Was really fun going through all the bad and good endings to piece the story together and then finally getting to meet the elusive Momotarou and get both of his endings. Great stuff, revealing their faces in the cgs was a nice touch.

Thank you so much for playing! I'm so happy! It sounds like you had fun~ Cx

I keep on getting all the bad endings... T_T.....

No worries! The game's been out for almost a month so I'll put up walkthroughs for each route soon! C:


I absolutely loved it! 

This game sucked me in for like two hours, I was desperately trying to get all the good endings (Satoru must be a Ricardo Milos fan huh), and when I did damnnn it felt so rewarding! 

I really loved the style, the guys, how I couldn't wait to see their faces and how it all played out. Very, very good! I want to play more of your games now :З

Marry me Pierre-sensei~

Wowie~ I'm so glad you enjoyed it and that the endings were worth the read and wait. And thanks so much! The other games I have out here as of 5/2019 are demos for other projects I'm working on. APC! is my priority right now, but The Salaryman will follow soon after! Thanks so much for your interest! Cx

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I love the game!! XD the art is so good and its a fun story! XD I managed to get all of the endings.. except for lil'momo's good ending.

Just love me xD aha

The game is really good though! ^ ^

Edit: I finally did it ! Took me awhile though aha, he is so sure I don't love him damnit just love meee xD

oh my~ thank u for the comment! i'm glad you enjoyed it! Cx


I need a walkthrough of this so bad :''')


I just got all the endings. It seems like to get the "true end" or to find out about the chocolates, you have to play through all the ends, including the bad ones as well.  Not sure how far you've gotten in getting the ends though, because some of them are tricky and you also have play around with answers when he asks you if you remember him or not. :)


I need the walkthrough too! Getting the good endings is really hard...


I'll likely release an official one a month from now. C: thank you for playing~ Cx